Gambling Should Be Illegal Essay

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Gambling Should Be Illegal Essay Examples

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Gambling and sports betting should be illegal
Is the activity or practice of playing a game of chance like sports, race bets, lotteries either online or physically with the intention of gaining wealth in terms of money or other stakes i.e. a good staked luxurious house, car and even favors to get a job and in the process one expect benefit of being a looser or gaining, games like black jack, poker and casino games like slots and roulette are always referred to as technical.
Sports betting and gambling have played a major role in worsening economy of certain countries like Kenya, the two major effects are: It siphons money from other industries and states attempt to use lotteries to boost income (Fang & Mowen, 2009 , pg 121). Gambling takes money from consumers that would otherwise be spent in an important industry or charity instead it is essentially thrown away in hopes of getting rich quick. The removal of money from other industries often cause business to go bankrupt thus creating issues of many people being unemployed with the outcome of pulling a state backwards in terms of development. A Person may argue that casinos create jobs, but those jobs do not make enough money to support their families thus sports betting should be banned since it contributes a lot in lowering economy of most states.
One other issue that that arises from gambling is the use of lotteries. States usually make more money but it is nowhere near as effective as other methods that are in use (Eadington,1999) Also, sources say that mostly the poor buy so many lottery tickets than everyone else, the lotteries have become a tax on the poor and economically disadvantaged, pg 13(3), 175.
The government role in gambling is not what it should be since drugs and gambling are both known to be self-destructive yet drugs are banned and gambling legalized, (Holden, 2001 , pg 294). the other poor role the government has on gambling is that the government gets a cut of the profit from it in the form of taxes.
A study showed that most compulsive gamblers started from their teen years,
because of the staggering amount of debt they are in makes them to have huge burden in their families. This inference is according to a study conducted by Ladouceur, Boisvert & Dumont, (1994). The final consequence of lotteries and gambling is that it causes damage to families. The detriment is in terms of the amount of debt that compulsive gambler gets into. The situation puts way too much strain on the rest of the family to help him or her out of debt i.e. if you are married to compulsive gambler it's like you are married to a hard core drug addict. Victims are usually forced to throw money away in terms of gambling to satisfy their addiction and unfortunately sometimes the debt is too much and the spouse will divorce, shattering the person family visions, pg 18(2), 239.
Even though gambling is legal, it should not be because of its harmful economi..
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Gambling Should Be Illegal Essay Example

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